RM Analyzer Help

Load Management Input Pad

Input pad for basic information describing the Load Management accumulation rule.

Note: If the Loading Case should represent creep, first the loading case has to be created (only in this case the Loading Case will be shown in the list).The Loading Case name must be the same as later defined in Action 'Creep'.
Load Manag. Name if the Load Case Category. (max. 16 characters)
Load case (1-3) Max. 3 Summation Loading Cases can be assigned to this Category.

By clicking on the arrow a Loading Case can be select from Load Cases List .

Primary/Secondary/Total For each Load Case only primary components, only secondary components or total components (including separate primary components) may be chosen.
Envelope (1-3) Max. 3 envelopes can be assigned to this load case category.

By clicking on the arrow next to the input field the selection will be activated.

Comb Type of combination for each envelope to be applied to this load case category.

By clicking on the arrow the combination rule applied to the load case for the superposition into the envelope can be select from the Combination List .

Load case (1-3) Optional input of a Summation Load Case. If a Loading Case is specified in this panel, not the calculated load case but this input Summation Load Case is superposed into the envelope.

By clicking on the arrow a Summation Load Case can be select from Load Cases List .

Description General Alpha-numeric load-info description (max. 80 characters)